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We hope you’ll find this website easy to use. We are committed to making our website as accessible as possible.

The website is designed to follow the accessibility guidelines issued by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

We aim to meet the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 in all parts of the website.


We have made every effort to ensure this web site is easily readable using ‘plain English’.

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The text size for this site can be changed using your browser.

Internet Explorer:
Select the “View” menu, then “Text size”

Select the “View” menu, then “Zoom” or “Zoom text only”

Select the “View” menu, then “Make text bigger” or “Make text smaller”

Select the “View” menu, then “Zoom”

Select the “Chrome menu” icon (3 horizontal lines) on the browser toolbar, then select “Settings”, select “Show advanced settings”, the the “Web contact” section, use the “font size” drop-down menu to make adjustments

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